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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

One-year journalism fellowship at Stanford with emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership

The JSK Journalism Fellowships program is seeking applicants for the class of 2016-17. The deadline is Dec. 1, 2015 for both U.S. and international candidates.

We’re looking for print, online or broadcast journalists and journalism innovators who have accomplished a lot, and want to accomplish more. Applicants spend an academic year making use of the vast resources of Stanford University and Silicon Valley to sharpen and broaden their skills. 

They must propose a project focusing on a particular journalism challenge, problem or opportunity, with an emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. Applicants should explain not only how they would spend the year, but also what they hope to have to show for their work at the end.

Skills: Ideally, at least seven years of professional experience that includes innovative or entrepreneurial work showing leadership in any aspect of the practice of journalism.

Fellows receive a stipend of $65,000 plus supplements for housing, childcare and health insurance as well as moving and research/equipment expenses.

For more information and to apply, go to http://stanford.io/1QioyMZ

Follow us at jsk.stanford.edu and on Twitter: @JSKstanford and Facebook.

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